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In  the Planning Cycle

Installation Ceremony

The Knights have a new installation ceremony.

All Parishioners at All Saints Are Invited

The new combined ceremony removes the barriers of secrecy. Instead of having separate closed-door ceremonies, all three degrees can now be conferred in a single ceremony held in the parish. The new ceremony is open to guests, including the family and friends of current and new Knights. The first ceremony is scheduled for April 26th after the 11:00 am mass with a reception to follow. This is currently on hold until further notice.

Any practical Catholic man, over 18, may join the Knights of Columbus.  For individuals interested in joining our ranks, please call Jorge Ramirez at 253-318-0205 for additional information.

Should First and Second Degree members participate?

Current First and Second Degree members are encouraged to participate in the Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity. Please contact Jerry Keller at 253-840-3459 for additional information.

In  the Rinse Cycle

In  the Re-cycle

Quilt Raffle

Oh, 39er's Quilting Group! Thank you again for the donation of the lovely quilt we were able to raffle off in December. The proceeds were used to  augment our"Coats for Kids" and "Toys for Kids" donations to a new high level.

Thans to ladies whose names are unknown to me. You know who you are.

If you'll let me know your name(s), I'll make sure our readers know of your generosity.

Thanks, too, to all that bought a ticket, or two.

It certainly helped.


Last Month's Efforts

Thank you for the outstanding support you gave to our February breakfast. Due to your generous support, we were able to donate $500 towards Vocations.

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