Knights of Columbus
all saints PUYALLUP, WA
Council 1629

The Charities We Support
We provide both cash assistance and moral support to seminarians from this Diocese The minimum donation, per seminarian, is $500. We dedicate one breakfast a year to this cause and profits go directly to the designated seminarian. Your help is always appreciated.
The Parish
We donate to both the Parish Facilities effort and the Parish Food Bank. Two breakfasts a year are devoted to this endeavor.
We also donate men and muscles to various projects that come up during the course of a year, requiring guile and experience to solve issues. Guile we have - in abundance. Muscles? Not so much..
Special Olympics
We team, primarily with members of Councils 6806, Our Lady, Queen of Heaven and 11948, Holy Disciples, to provide meals to athletes in the Special Olympics competitions. We make, bag and deliver lunches for the stadium events, prepare breakfasts and dinners at Fort Lewis, and provide staffing as far away as Everett, Vancouver and Wenatchee, WA .
UltraSound Initiative
We team with councils from across WA, raising money to purchase Ultra Sound machines for clinics in the state. Each machine costs $25,000. Our Supreme Council, in New Haven, will absorb 50% of the cost, leaving $12,500 to be raised, per machine, by the Councils.
Studies have shown that once a pregnant woman is shown a picture of her unborn child, she is much less likely to terminate the pregnancy.
Throught March 12,2016, the Knights have delivered 669 of these machines, valued at $19.9M, allowing many thousands of women to see that their unborn child becomes a living human being.
In 2015, the Knights of Columbus organization set a new all-time donations record of $175,079,192 dollars and 73.4 million hours of service.
Coats for Kids
Every winter we donate approximately $750 worth of coats to St. Francis House. They arrange for distribution among the kids on their client list. A lot of the time, this is the only warm coat the child will get that year. We designate one breakfast a year to this effort.
Global Wheelchair Mission
We raise money, in conjunction with all other WA State Councils, to purchase wheelchairs for folks in need. The chairs are distributed without charge, whereever needed. The State Council accumulates the donations. When we have raised enough for a trailer-load of 100 chairs, they will place the order and arrange for disposition of the wheelchairs.
Military Charities
In the past, we have teamed with Hope for Heroes and Heroes on the Water to provide benefits and some relief to our wounded veterans. In January, we will again team up with a group to continue this tiny effort by a small group (us!) to provide some comfort in their hours, weeks, months and years of need.
Your support is, as always, very welcome.